Looks like Aronofsky’s take on the sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine has a new title, and for the record, is NOT a direct sequel. The film will tell a complete story in the vast life of the ageless hero.
The title will simply stand alone like its story and will be The Wolverine
This weekend Aronofsky revealed some additional reasons for us to think the next ‘X-Men’ spin-off starring a solo Hugh Jackman will be unlike the last. While doing an interview with HitFix to promote his upcoming ‘Black Swan,’ the filmmaker stated that his Wolverine movie will be titled ‘The Wolverine,’ and it will be a “one-off,” not a “sequel in the conventional sense.”
I think distancing yourself from the reviled Gavin Hood Origins:Wolverine film is wise. Personally I think that movie got hit with a lot more hate than it deserved, but that’s not to say there were not some bad things in that film.
The assumption is that the film will still take Logan to Japan with a presumable love interest Mariko Yashida – and potentially an updated Silver Samurai!
And the exotic locale will allow this film to stand on its own and while not ignoring the previous or future activities of Marvel’s favourite Canadian, this film will stand on its own.
I think with all the crossover madness, it makes sense to take a step back every now and again to permit these movies to have stand alone chapters.
I look forward to seeing what Aronofsky does with the material.