No one was going to bet against Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 to dominate the boxoffice this weekend, but lets see how everyone else did with the screens left over…
Boxoffice Mojo has the standings:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 – $125,017,372 – Opening
Megamind – $16,012,831 – 3wks
Unstoppable – $13,005,855 – 2wks
Due Date – $8,912,182 – 3wks
The Next Three Days – $6,452,779 – Opening
I was not surprised to see Megamind get the runner up prize this week as the theaters were just crawling with Potter fans desperate for their last taste before the series wraps up. There were many disappointed people who showed up 30 minutes before showtime to find out it was sold out with screaming children in tow. And now that you have toted them all out to the theater with a promise of a movie, what are you going to take the anklebiters to? Unstoppable? Paranormal Activity? Of course not. Megamind has got your back.
I still want to see Next Three Days, but not a shocker that it ranked so low but still made a showing on the Top5.
What did you see this weekend.