Brooks Not Opposed to Simpson’s Movie Sequel

The Simpson’s Move cost them $75 million to make and it raked in nearly half a billion dollars, so the law of Hollywood says that a sequel is inevitable. Well its not so set in stone, but it looks like they are not opposed to it either.

Screenrant quotes James L Brooks:

“We’re open to it… It was much harder than we anticipated. It took us a year to try and get to the point because we’re all so scared of ‘What are we going to do to the Simpsons’ and ‘What if the movie is no good?’ We were all so scared about that and I thought it took us a solid year of looking at each other to get to the point where we can get to the point where we don’t give a sh*t… It was a huge success and we’re very open to it and we have a beginning notion if we want to do it, but the series always comes first with us. The series is always primary to us.”

I could see how they would struggle with making a movie without just making it a 90 minute TV episode. But in the end they only got a little more than that, and it was still a success.

After 20 years of unprecidented popularity, what more could you do? Well every new season answers that question.

But money talks in Hollywood, and while the TV show is showing no signs of slowing down, why not make another movie?

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