When Superman was getting the Reboot treatment, we were told that writer David Goyer was going to do something with Superman that we hadn’t really seen on film before. Now that sounds like scripted PR catchphrases there, but now that we know where he is coming from it seems he really is grasping something new.
It seems that the reboot will be strongly influenced by the Superman Secret Origins comic written by Geoff Johns. WorstPreviews quotes Goyer about his process:
“There is a heart breaking moment halfway through the first chapter in which young Clark is told the truth about his heritage. He races out into the night, sobbing, stumbling through the cornfields. Eventually, his foster father, Jonathan, finds him. ‘I don’t want to be someone else,’ says Clark. ‘I don’t want to be different. I want to be Clark Kent. I want to be your son’
Right there in that moment, Geoff [Johns] contextualized Superman in a way that I’m not sure has ever really been done before. I had an ‘aha’ experience when I read that. For the first time I was able to grasp how lonely Clark must have been when he was growing up. And what a sacrifice Clark must continually make by being Superman.
As I write this, I am midway through my first draft of a new Superman screenplay. It’s a task that has stymied many talented filmmakers in the years since Donner’s film. And for all I know, it will end up stymieing me as well.
But I’ve got one advantage that the screenwriters who came before me didn’t have – and that’s access to all the wonderful Superman stories written by Geoff Johns – first and foremost being the SECRET ORIGIN issues reprinted in the very volume you are now holding.”
That sounds great to me.
I always thought that Superman deserved more character development. No one is stronger, or faster, or more invulnerable. So what do you write about a guy who by definition cannot be beaten? KRYPTONITE!
Honestly, I am tired of every story with Superman falling back on Kryptonite to take away what empowers him just so the badguy has an angle. Donner’s films were close as Lex Luthor, an ordinary man stood a chance at challenging Superman. But even he had to use Kryptonite.
I like that this will focus on the CHARACTER of Clark Kent and bring a real depth to the Man of Steel, but even still I hope we will get to see some whoopass and a real enemy worthy of his powers. I am tired of Luthor in the films (not that he isn’t required) and Zod would be interesting if they do a different take on him.
Throw in a token powerhouse like Metallo, create a story with depth and when he realizes that he alone can use his powers to stop this threat we get a major fight in the end.