Lydia Hearst-Shaw to play Lohan-Like Character in Dogs in Pocketbooks

Lydia Hearst Shaw, the international supermodel and journalist heiress to the Hearst publishing fortune, will be making the leap the big screen in a satirical comedy taking shots at celebrity obsession called Dogs in Pocketbooks where she will be playing a character that closely resembles Lindsay Lohan.

Ramascreen reports:

“Lydia will play a bratty movie goddess in and out of rehab, in trouble with the law, and hounded by greedy agents, predatory paparazzi, off-the-wall stalkers and crazed media — a role obviously based on Lindsay Lohan.
“[The movie] is in no way mean-spirited towards Lindsay. It’s the kind of thing she has spoofed about herself in the past. It’s more of a satire about the crazy people around her and the situations they generate. It satirizes the obsession with modern celebrity.”

And now word has it that the Lohan Clan intends to pursue legal action against the production for using her likeness without being compensated. Unfortunately the role will be inspired by Lohan, and not actually BE Lindsay, so its a stretch.

I am curious about the production as I hope it sheds some light of truth on people who are ironically obsessed with celebrities that wouldn’t BE celebrities if people were not obsessed with them.

I am looking at you Paris Hilton.

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