Rodney’s Top Ten Christmas Movies

I posted this list last year as well, but while I will be taking a break to enjoy the holidays and return on Monday, I thought I would offer it up again.

Its that time of year when we have a ton on our plate but life doesn’t stop. Between that and Christmas shopping we still have to find time to hit up those movies we are craving to see.

But for me, movies are more at home around Christmas and just in time for Christmas I thought I would present my Top Ten Christmas movies that always make their way into the home theater at this time of year. So this list is the movies that bear repeat viewing and always get a show in my home.

#10 – Christmas Vacation

The Griswold Family loves to vacation, but there was no travelling this time around. The family comes to them and as usual nothing goes right. Its a touching tale that not everything at Christmas goes smoothly and sooner or later you end up with some unfortunate circumstances. But you dont get to choose your family, but they are your family.

#9 – The Santa Clause

Tim Allen films are a weak spot for me, and I tend to like his family friendly fare. A big popular series in my household is the Santa Clause series. When Santa falls off Scott Calvin’s roof, Scott puts on the outfit while investigating the abondoned Sleigh and Reindeer and inadvertantly triggers the Clause that says if you put on the outfit you will become the new Santa. Hilarity ensues. The sequel was also good, but the third falls flat.

#8 – It’s a Wonderful Life

The oldest film on my list, but one that always pulls at the heartstrings for me. Yes, it is a Christmas story, but its not really about Christmas. An influential man thinks he has it tough and an angel out to get his wings presents him with a look at his own world without him. A classic story about appreciating what you have and how you can affect others, is perfect for a Christmas season.

#7 – The Nightmare Before Christmas

A stop motion animated Tim Burton classic that takes a stab at Christmas on route to Halloween. Just another reminder of how hard of a job the Jolly Elf has. Its a fun romp in a world of holiday spirits. The music is fun and its a deviation of the regular Holiday mush.

#6 – How the Grinch Stole Christmas

I am talking about the original animated TV Special, but the live action one has its merits too. But with classic tradition and nostalgia the original animated, while only 22minutes in playtime is among my favourite Christmas viewings. I still get a little warm fuzzy when the Grinch’s heart grows.

#5 – A Muppet’s Christmas Carol

No Christmas tale has been remade more than Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. The music is infectiously catchy and Michael Caine as Scrooge is perfect. In the grand tradition of the Muppets playing out the parts in classic stories, Kermit plays Cratchit, which makes the perfect portrayal of Tiny Tim by his nephew Robin.

#4 – Scrooged!

Another Christmas Carol adaptation, but a moden twist that is not only hilarious, but magicly touching. Bill Murray is in perfect comedic form and the supporting cast is perfect. Even amidst all its silliness and goofy characters.

#3 – A Christmas Story

The ultimate tale of Christmas told from the mind of a young man who’s only concern in the holiday season is the ultimate present- an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle! Its all kids REALLY think about at Christmas, and this was an honest look at Christmas fromt he eyes of a nine year old. A classic that has migrated to the Bluray section of my collection.

#2 – Die Hard

Forget all those feel good Christmas movies that have a feelgood theme of goodwill towards man. In this film most of the things coming toward man are bullets, feet, and chairs. NY Cop John McClane is visiting his estranged wife to try and save their marriage when the office building in which her corporate christmas party takes place comes under seige and the party people become hostages. McClane risks life and limb inspired by duty and his desire to salvage his marriage. That’s sacrifice and giving. The true spirit of Christmas.

#1 – Gremilins

While not a specifically a Christmas movie, it does take place at Christmas. The film revolves around an inventor who brings home a unique gift. A small fuzzy creature called a Mogwai. The creature comes with some rules – Keep away from Sunlight, Don’t feed after midnight, Never get it wet. When these rules are broken, a mischevious legion of Gremlins is unleashed on a small town wreaking havoc. Lots of laughs, cutsey “Awwww”s and a fun ride make this top my nostalgia list for Chirstmas.

So while my less than conventional list of movies wont neccessarily be the same as your Holiday Favourites, this is what graces the screen in my home at this time of year.

So what’s on your “must see” list at this time of year?

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