Jameson Dublin International Film Festival

The programme for the 9th annual Jameson Dublin International Film Festival was launched earlier this evening, and boy, has it got some goodies in it. Kicking off on the 17th of Febuary with a showing of Richard Ayoade’s debut film Submarine, which the director will attend. This film has some serious buzz surrounding it, being described as “refreshing, urgent and original”. It’s a coming of age story set in England, and I’ll review it here later (If I succeed in getting a ticket!).

Other big names attending are Emilio Estevez and Martin Sheen, who will be at the screening of the Estevez directed flick The Way, and Kevin Spacey, who’s attending a special screening of The Usual Suspects at a so far unnamed location in the city, but it won’t be a traditional cinema.
The festival will be showing a wide variety of films, from Romanian cinema (Morgen), Irish cinema (Wake Wood, Good Cake Bad Cake: The Story of LiR), Latin cinema (October, What I Love The Most), Documentaries (Harry Shearers The Big Uneasy) and so much more quality films, under French cinema, Discovery (emerging talent from around the world), First Look (Irish premieres of films like Route Irish) and Out of The Past, which contains Oceans 12, West Side Story, The African Queen and most interestingly for me, The Tingler, the interactive 1958 gimmick horror film where the chairs actually shock you!

I’ve only named a tiny portion of the films playing at the festival, and I must say, the full list available here will really make you want to go. If your in Ireland, England or Europe, the festival is well worth a visit.
There is around 130 films showing from the 17th to the 28th of Febuary in locations across Dublin city.

(Personal note: the Programme booklet smells soooo gooooood! Weirdness over.)

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