MTV caught up with “Thor” star Chris Hemsworth at Sundance and learned some interesting snippets about “The Avengers.” He gave his thoughts on the early draft of the script he has seen, and noted not all of the Avengers get along in the film, referencing the Hulk in a way that might be another clue supporting that the Avengers will be fighting Hulk in the film (an old rumor). Hemsworth also said that he never saw Jeremy Renner when he was filming “Thor,” so he could not confirm or deny the rumored Hawkeye cameo in the film.
“Everything about the story and the comic books is huge. You have these huge, big superheroes and huge, big egos crammed into one small space,” Hemsworth said. “Reading the script, it was massive. Everything about it was like, ‘Oh my god.’ I said to Joss, I said, ‘I don’t know how you’re going to shoot this thing [laughs], but I’m excited to be onboard and let’s give it a go.”
I personally am excited about Thor, even though I think it’s an impossible thing to pull off on film. Kenneth Branagh is at once the strangest and most perfect choice as director, so it will be very interesting to see if the epic scale of Norse Godliness can be portrayed in a way that doesn’t just seem ridiculous or cheesy. I also have hesitation with Avengers because I’ve yet to see anything written primarily by Joss Whedon for the big screen that wasn’t just mediocre or somehow missing a mark (and I love his television work).