Sheen said he’d do a new version of the 1989 movie if a script were greenlighted. He insists it will be Major League 3, even though Major League: Back to the Minors is technically the third film in the franchise.
Okay, he thinks the third film stunk and should not be counted as part of the franchise- as if the second film was stellar (news to me) and how can it be a “remake” if it would have Sheen and be called “Major League 3”? I’m baffled, myself. But I wonder if he was talking off the cuff. He was screening the first film with some ballplayers last weekend, so it may have been nothing more than a soundbyte. I could see a remake (for what reason, I haven’t the foggiest…) and someone could put out a sequel (Number 4, not number 3) but in both cases I don’t see Charlie Sheen – or any of the original cast members, for that matter- in them. Not Wesley Snipes. Not even Margret Whitton.
But I could be wrong. And I’m rooting that Sheen gets his shit together once and for all. Maybe a new ‘Major League’ is what he needs. What the masses need? That’s something else.
What say you, Int’l friends?