No Title, but 3-D Sharks are involved

Director David Ellis (Snakes On A Plane, Cellular) is currently filming a 3-D horror film with man-eating sharks. He just doesn’t know what to call the film.
NYMag has the story:

“I hated the original title [Shark Night 3D], too,” says Ellis, reached in his editing bay, “so at our weekly production meetings, I made everyone on the crew come up with names — Chums, Fins, Terror on the Lake — but they all seemed kind of cheesy. And so until I hear a better name, I like what we’ve got right now: Untitled 3D Shark Thriller. The title says everything you need to know: ‘We’ve got sharks.’ ‘It’s in 3D.’ and, ‘It’s a thriller.’”

I understand the problem. Jaws3D was already taken…but seriously, while I did like ‘Final Destination 2’ and especially ‘Cellular’- I got one question. For the most part, when have Ellis’ films not been cheesy?

Int’l friends, help Ellis out…what would be a good, non cheesy title for Untitled 3D Shark Thriller? (Overseas it was sold as ‘Shark Night’)

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