Terminator Said He’ll Be Back- Sure He Will.

With the speculation that Arnold Schwarzenegger will return to acting, it didn’t take long for a studio to muster up a little bit of interest for Terminator 5. The studio – Universal – is even in talks with Fast Five helmer Justin Lin with taking over the director’s seatObsessed With Film reports:

Universal is said to be considering making a move to bring the studio-less Terminator back to the big screen, perhaps as a vehicle for director Justin Lin & writer Chris Morgan, the pair responsible for the past few Fast & Furious movies. Presumably, the hope for Universal is that Arnie would agree to a starring return, or at the very least, a small cameo.

Personally, I’d like to see a Twins sequel myself, but what do I know. As for Terminator, I didn’t mind Salvation too much – but the film’s basic error was that it was FutureWar, an event fans ‘want to see’ but really didn’t need to see. I didn’t mind the series that much, I liked the actors and that great cliffhanger-but the series jerked the viewer around once too often.

I have to admit liking Justin Lin’s takeover of the previous ‘Fast films’ and I am slightly hyped over the upcoming ‘Fast Five’, mostly because of Dwayne Johnson and in a perfect world The Rock could be the new Terminator. If they get The former Governator back, I think it would be only a cameo. Or mapping his face onto another actor. In any case, it is a moot point as far as I’m concerned. It’s not that I don’t think it will work, it’s only because the dead carcass is still being shot and set afire, there is nothing more to say about the franchise. Sure, they *could* pick it up from Sarah Connor Chronicles with an alternate timeline (or have such inspiration) but I don’t think anyone would buy it.

It’s a tough sell in my eyes. It could happen, it could be done. I’m not foaming at the mouth for it though. The franchise is dead film-wise and it’s time to move on.

Am I wrong, Int’l friends?

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