The Anti-Defamation League is waving their ironically non-judgemental finger in the general direction of the train wreck that has replaced the once cool Charlie Sheen.
The Hollywood Reporter quotes:
“By invoking television producer Chuck Lorre’s Jewish name in the context of an angry tirade against him, Charlie Sheen left the impression that another reason for his dislike of Mr. Lorre is his Jewishness,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. “This fact has no relevance to Mr. Sheen’s complaint or disagreement, and his words are at best bizarre, and at worst, borderline anti-Semitism.”
Meanwhile Sheen, who has referred to Lorre as a “maggot” and a “clown,” insists he is not an anti-Semite.
“I was referring to Chuck by his real name, because I wanted to address the man and not the bullshit persona,” he told TMZ.
I wonder if Sheen lost a game of poker to Mel Gibson, and when he couldn’t pay off his debts, Gibson smiled seductively and said “Ok, this is how this is going to go down…”
But honestly the Anti-Defamation League might just be stretching it here. Anything said that can even remotely connect an angry word to his culture is now Anti-Semetic?
I have heard Jewish commedians take more direct shots on cultural Jewish stereotypes and be applauded for them, but I guess thats like how black guys are allowed to drop the N-bomb but its scandalous if anyone else dares. Its not anti-semetic if you are Jewish, but if you laugh at the routine, are you then anti-semetic even though the intention was to make you laugh at the jokes?
“Based on the totality of Charlie Sheen’s statements, conduct and condition, CBS and Warner Bros. Television have decided to discontinue production of Two And A Half Men for the remainder of the season,” the companies said in a joint statement.
So its not that the statements were anti-semetic, but the totality of his behaviour that has resulted in this full stop of the popular sitcom, and what people are predicting will be its untimely cancellation.
Looks like the Anti-Defamation League is lighting logs from the same stake Sheen is burning at to then throw them back on the fire.
As if his declining public image isn’t enough, we have this group trying to ride the train into town.