A.F. Rumor: Schwarzenegger is “the Governator”

Before I even begin writing this thing I want everyone to take a time out today just to review today’s date and it’s significance to anything “news” related on the internet. Yes, it’s early but this is the internet we’re talking about here. If you have no idea what I mean, then shame one you and enjoy the reading.

First bit of news is that Schwarzenegger’s superhero project is coming together, supposedly, with none other than comic book legend Stan “THE MAN” Lee.

Source: EW

The animated TV show and comic book, being co-developed by no less a superhero authority than Spider-Man co-creator Stan Lee (pictured, right), won’t be out until next year, but this week EW offers an exclusive early look at Arnold’s cartoon alter-ego. “The Governator is going to be a great superhero, but he’ll also be Arnold Schwarzenegger,” Lee says of the semi-fictional character. “We’re using all the personal elements of Arnold’s life. We’re using his wife [Maria Shriver]. We’re using his kids. We’re using the fact that he used to be governor. Only after he leaves the governor’s office, Arnold decides to become a crime fighter and builds a secret high-tech crime-fighting center under his house in Brentwood.”

Along with the Arnold Cave, the Governator will have a fleet of super vehicles at his disposal, a closet full of “Super Suits” that allow him to fly and perform other super stunts, and a team of colorful sidekicks, such as Zeke Muckerberg, the precocious 13-year-old computer whiz who acts as the Governator’s cybersecurity expert. Naturally, there will also be recurring supervillains — including an evil organization called Gangsters Imposters Racketeers Liars & Irredeemable Ex-cons (or G.I.R.L.I.E. Men, for short).

I don’t know what to think. On one hand this sounds like something that’s right up either guys alley. On the other hand there’s always today’s date. If it’s true, then great as I could imagine this as something fun for both parties and could develop into a fun franchise for the kids. I don’t have a problem with this if this is true, I just don’t know… especially with this so called magazine cover:

And there’s a non embed-able video on EW’s Facebook page where these 2 discuss the project here.

This seems a bit much for a simple A.F. joke so for the moment I’m going to believe this is true. Stan Lee has made comics with the likes of N’Sync, and Ne-Yo so I guess Schwarzenegger is a step up.

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