Some eXciting First Class details

I just glanced over on the official Facebook page for the upcoming X-Men First Class movie and stumbled across a Q and A with actor Oliver Platt who plays “The Man in Black”, and he managed to spill a few more details regarding some of the plot of the movie that I find rather interesting.

Source: X Men Movies Official Facebook Page

  • Here’s the question we all want to know. Who exactly is the Man in Black?
    The Man In Black runs a super secret division of the CIA devoted to investigating the application of mental telepathy and paranormal power in military defense. He has long been a laughing stock of the Agency because of this. His department is known as ‘Division X’.
  • How does your character fit into the mutant universe?
    When Charles and Mystique become ensnared with the Agency, the Man in Black diverts them to his division with a deft bureaucratic sleight of hand. Erik soon joins them and The X-Men flourish under MIB’s protection.
  • They also hurled some questions at Rose Byrne who will be playing this films’ Moira Mactaggert

  • In the comics Moira MacTaggert has been the love interest of both Charles Xavier and Sean Cassidy (Banshee) Are these relationships explored in the script?
    We explore the relationship of Moira and Charles but not with Banshee – at least not yet!
  • Moira didn’t have the accent in Last Stand, so I can only assume she won’t be having it in First Class?
    No, Matthew Vaughn was adamant she be American – despite James McAvoy’s slight disappointment as he is Scottish.
  • Will we get a chance to see Muir Island?
    Sadly no, not in this installment.
  • You know what? This is more information than I bargained for. If I recall correctly there’s a suggested history between Professor X and Mystique in the comics similar to her and Wolverine and I’m wondering exactly how the Prof and Mystique initially get entangled with the CIA rather than he and Erik.

    The other thing is the fact that they won’t be visiting Muir island in this flick. I don’t know why but I presumed it would be featuring the locale of Muir island if it’s exploring the adventures of a young Charles Xavier, as a lot of his early research was rooted directly into his relationship with Moira on the island.

    What the hell is going to happen in this movie??
    Radar. Overload.

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