College humor just slammed two beloved Foxes together: The Fantastic Mr. Fox and Star Fox, to make The Fantastic Mr Star Fox, a stop motion short in the style of Wes Andersons 2009 film. Its basically just a fun little spoof, replacing the Roald Dahl characters with Fox, Peppy, Slippy and Falco. Have a look guys!
I think it works quite well! I love the recasting of Owen Wilson etc. To be honest the whole thing made me feel very nostalgic about Lylat Wars (I think you guys called it Star Fox 64 over there?).
Another thing, since theres been feck all Nintendo movies (Pokemon doesn’t count, and I choose to forget Super Mario Bros and The Wizard), I ask you this question:
What Nintendo games would make great films, and who would you like to direct/ star?
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