*SPOILER WARNING* This is extremely spoiler-ish for those who want to walk into the Captain America movie untainted by the internetz reporting of key scenes. Seriously, if you don’t want to ruin the ending of the movie then you should click elsewhere right now!! Ready? Good. Apparently the Captain America movie that’s expected to be released in a short 3 months still had a scene to film with this one being in, quite possibly, the most publicly accessible place possible. Tons of fans were witness to the spectacle of Chris Evans and Sam Jackson filming a scene for the iconic hero set dead center of NYC’s iconic Times Square.
Source: Collider
Captain America: The First Avenger is scheduled for release on July 22 — I am amazed at just how much studios can work up to the deadline. Just yesterday, less than three months before release, director Joe Johnston shot another scene featuring Chris Evans as the titular superhero and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in Times Square.
Of course you can’t film a scene in the busiest area in NYC without witnesses and tourists snapping a torrent of photo’s and video. Here are a few:

Good stuff for those lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time and seemingly coincides with earlier reports that Captain America will in fact take the trip to the present at the conclusion of his own adventure. Hopefully he’ll do some shopping while in the heart of fashion in order to do something about those tacky tan pants that are soooo 50’s.