Clive Owen joins the IRA Thriller project once known as Shadow Dancer

Clive Owen will be joining the cast of a film once known as Shadow Dancer- which revolves around a one time member of the IRA turned police informant. The fine people over at /Film gives us the story:

James Marsh is a director who covers a few different bases and does so quite well. He makes excellent documentaries and also has facility with dramas and thrillers. He’s got Project Nim going around festivals now, and for his next project is planning to make a thriller about an IRA terrorist who becomes an informer. Guy Pearce was once attached to a key role, but now Clive Owen will play that part instead.

The film also has Aidan Gillen and Gillian Anderson in the cast. However, Andrea Riseborough (Never Let Me Go) will play the informant.

I might have some interest in seeing this, not just because I dig Clive Owen, but because Gillian Anderson is in it. Gillian is an underrated actress who really can bury herself into a part to the point where she’s a near chamelon. If you doubt me, see The Last King Of Scotland.

The director wasn’t too crazy about the working title, Shadow Dancer, so as of now it doesn’t have a title. I’m sure they can think of something. What would the int’l friends call it, I wonder?

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