The Hollywood Reporter has this to say:
The writer of the third, fourth and fifth installments of Universal’s Fast and the Furious franchise (Fast Five opens April 29) has signed a two-year first-look production pact with the studio, a rare move in a time when companies are actually slashing producer deals.
Morgan will also begin writing Fast Six.
Morgan has been a key player in the Fast series, working alongside director Justin Lin, who directed the same three movies. Beyond Fast, Morgan also wrote Universal’s 2008 hit Wanted and 47 Ronin, the Keanu Reeves samurai epic currently in production. He also is developing for the studio a movie based on the popular Japanese monster game Bakugan.
Hey, I might be interested in seeing 47 Ronin and I’ll keep an eye out for Bakugan. But “Fast 6”? I don’t know. It’s another ballgame. A few days ago, it was announced that a Real Steel 2 was being written before the first film is proven at the box office. I wonder if this is a new trend for studios- but in this case, it is a sequel to a franchise series. A proven brand. Tricked cars, women in skimpy clothing and lots of characters calling each other bra.
No, seriously, the films do have a likeability factor to them. They are at least watchable. Still, there are those out there who think the Fast films are too much like fast food. Tastes good but bad for you in the long run. Y’know? I wonder if the foreign markets can work with that – this time they call it ‘Furious Five’ instead of Fast Five.
Anyway…which would the int’l friends like to see first? Another Furious or Bakugan? That’s not a trick question.