Renner in running for Bourne 4?

With the reports that Matt Damon, let alone the character Jason Bourne, will not appear in Bourne (4) Legacy, a new name has cropped up in the running to take on the new spy role. It’s a good one- but odd at the same time. Jeremy Renner could very well step into the franchise.
The Huffington Post gives us:

Matt Damon’s time as the star of the “Bourne Identity” series is over, and the search for his successor is over, the Latino Review reports. The site reports that a source indicated that “The Town” and “The Hurt Locker” star Jeremy Renner has been offered the lead role in the next generation of Bourne movies, starting with “The Bourne Legacy.”

If true, Renner is a strong, experienced choice, but not one that had been rumored to be on director Tony Gilroy’s shortlist in February. Then, potential Bourne 2.0 stars included Jake Gyllenhaal, Garrett Hedlund, Taylor Kitsch, Kellen Lutz and Tobey Maguire.

I’m somewhat skeptical on this. It’s not that I don’t like Renner, I do. It’s the notion that after two Oscar nominations, the actor’s plate is full. On top of that, one role is in another spy franchise- Mission Impossible : Ghost Protocol. That’s my only reservation. Other than the character of Jason Bourne will not be in The Bourne Legacy of course. Now, granted, the Legacy role will be technically a different character tthan the one in Protocol. I also would not mind if, after Protocol, Renner plated a different character but squared off against Matt Damon’s Bourne. But there’s no Bourne, and there is doubts on my part.

What say you, int’l friends?

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