Ok, so we learned that Zod would be in this movie after all and that that Zod’s girl won’t be Ursa and instead would be Faora. I at one time thought Lois wouldn’t even be in this movie but instead that’s been clarified in that she will be in the movie but Lois may not be Clark’s girl in this movie. That much we knew. But what about the Lindsay Lohan rumors? Well, the role that Lindsay Lohan may have been offered may actually be for the role of Lana Lang.
Source: Comic Book News
I’ve been told Lohan is up for the role of Lana Lang; that she will be a popular girl in high school who doesn’t give Clark the time of day. While Clark can’t really show Lana who he really is (a super man), she eventually discovers for herself when sees Clark do a rescue.
At this point I feel as if Lohan has been rumored for quite possibly every female role in this movie, and I for one have had enough. I’ve considered her in so many role’s at this point that I might be upset if she’s not included in this movie. These rumors are wreaking havoc on the ‘radar’ and that’s just too much for a Sunday so I’m going to lay this latest rumor next to my bag of salt. Aside from that is the possible plot reveal of the film.
Source: Bleeding Cool
A young reporter named Clark Kent roams the world covering various news stories. When he is compelled to use his secret powers to intervene in a crisis in West Africa, he returns to Smallville to learn more about his origins and the hero he was born to be.
Mark Waid must be sitting somewhere proud. I like the idea of this origin story being the one that is used but I have to admit that I tire of retreading origins altogether, especially with Superman. I look forward to some clear declaration either way as to finally clear the air of all these rumors once and for all.