John Luessenhop is in talks to direct Leatherface 3D, which would in fact be another sequel to the 2003 remake, but would pick up immediately where the original 70s film left off…Kirsten Elms has been brought on to tweak the script, under Luessenhop’s supervision, that was written by Debra Sullivan, Adam Marcus and Stephen Susco.
In other words, it…um…well it sounds like it will be a direct follow up to the Tobe Hooper cult classic, but be a sequel to the first remake. The previous film was a prequel. Luessenhop is in “talks” but if the new scribe is rewriting for his favor, then he’s pretty much on board. Luessenhop previous film was ‘Takers”. Oh, you feel better already now, don’t you? No, probably not. As for Leatherface and the family getting knocked off in the 2004 remake, don’t you fret. In horror, the horror ‘heroes’ don’t stay dead for too long- even if some film franchises (including the remade ones) should remain buried.
Not that applies to this project or anything.