Universal wants Tom Cruise for Oblivion

After Disney scooped up the rights to Oblivion, written by Tron Legacy writer Joseph Kosinski I was very much interested. Then they dropped the rights and I figured we wouldn’t hear another word about it.

But now Universal has picked it back up again and even has the phone ringing for Tom Cruise to star in it.

Screenrant shares:

A couple of weeks ago, Disney dropped the rights to TRON: Legacy helmer Joseph Kosinski’s Oblivion, an adaptation of his not-yet-released post-apocalyptic sci-fi comic book.

Now Universal is very close to signing a deal to finance and distribute Oblivion, while Tom Cruise is reportedly in talks to headline the feature

The official reason Disney dropped Oblivion was that its PG-13 rating didn’t fit in with its current “family friendly slate”. Further giving evidence that Disney would sooner spend its money making films EVERYONE can see.

I was curious to see what Oblivion would come out like and honestly with Tom Cruise attached I think would be even more curious.

Cruise needs to get back to this kind of action genre flick that made him so popular to begin with. He would add credibility to a title just getting curious itches, and the film’s setting could potentially put Cruise back on top.

Of course his recent Knight and Day might have been bashed by critics, but it didn’t stop it from raking in $261million. And his upcoming Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol spinoff should help those matters as well.

This is right in the lane he is driving in, so I hope to see it happen.

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