FIXED – First Look: The Hunger Games’ Katniss Everdeen

There’s a lot of excitement surrounding this Hunger Games movie, so I’m naturally curious to find out what all the fuss is about. Today we find out that Entertainment Weekly got the first look at Jennifer Lawrence in wardrobe for her role as Katniss Everdeen.

Via: Filmofilia

Looks like a survivor. I don’t know what’s going on, or why I should be excited, but I have to admit that she does look cute with red hair. Oh, and there’s that cool looking eagle logo thingy on hir jacket. No, I haven’t read the books so I’m probably not as pumped as most. I have a “thing” about avoiding books to movie adaptations as I feel that exposure to both will ultimately lead to criticisms of the movie based off of what’s going on in the books rather than just judging the movie as a movie. I Cant wait til I see “Deathly Hollows 2” so I can finally read the “Philosopher’s Stone”. Looking forward to finding out if this can stand on its own.

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