Meanwhile, Back To The Amityville Horror…

Some horror franchises refuse to die, and The Amityville Horror is one of them. The sequels (which generally have little to do with one another other than The House) come around every now and then, usually under the radar. But the good folks at Cinemablend have caught them in the act:

Developed by Hannibal Classics and adapted from John G. Jones’ original work Amityville: Evil Escapes, Legacy will follow the Evans family as they cope with the staggering loss of Aunt Carolyn. She killed herself under mysterious circumstances, leaving her two kids to be raised by the Evans’ in a new house they all move into, hoping for a fresh start. Unfortunately, that peace of mind never comes after father Michael begins refashioning the residence to look like the fateful Amityville house and mother Nancy wakes up in terror every night.

On the plus side, it doesn’t appear to be a follow up to the 2005 remake (which I am alone in thinking it was halfway decent- but *only* halfway). On the downside it could be like one of those DTV knockoff cheesefests from the 90s. But somebody out there must like these films; who are those people? Who knows. There’s a fanbase for everything, I ‘spose.

Are you one of them?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

One thought on “Meanwhile, Back To The Amityville Horror…

  1. The 2005 version was pretty lame.

    (Ryan Reynolds ladies and gentleman!)

    I remember the first 2 of the series being pretty friggin creepy, grant it I was a young kid when I saw them.

    I’m always up to check them out though.

    Plotline seems a little shakey though, Sounds like a haunted edition of “Curb Appeal” on the home and garden channel.

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