RUMOR: Derek Luke is in the Avengers

Ok, we knew that Derek Luke was playing Gabe Jones, one of the Howling Commando’s, in the upcoming Captain America movie. What’s new is that somehow this guy, that will be a senior citizen, will be in the Avengers as well.

Source: Geek Tyrant

Luke will soon be seen as Gabe Jones in Captain America, a role he’ll reprise in Marvel’s The Avengers.

Now before the speculations begin, let me point out that even the folks at Geek Tyrant are a little bit skeptical of this news. Maybe they just got it wrong. On the other hand Marvel could be littering some clever story-telling to begin setting the framework for going in a completely different direction with the actor. Who knows. I like Derek Luke as an actor, but I really can’t imagine how they would be able to shoe-horn even more into the Avengers.

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