Variety gives us the news:
Joel Silver has signed on to develop a live-action feature film based on Cartoon Network’s “Ben 10” sci-fi franchise, with an eye toward distribution through Warner Bros…Dark Castle’s Steve Richards (who has signed on to produce with fellow shingle co-prexy Andrew Rona and Silver) said that the bigscreen version of “Ben 10” would be completely recast from the character’s previous live-action incarnations, and that the producers want to go as big as possible with the project.
They are currently seeking writers, and hope to learn from thier mistakes from ‘Speed Racer’, which was also aimed at the younger set a number of years ago. I don’t know much about ‘Ben 10’ but I’m sure there will be a good exposition to get the public up to speed. I don’t have a problem with this project, although some around the net might consider this a “redo” from the kids cable film and that I sure hope the youth in the film aren’t obnoxious emoheads who have the anime speak.
What do the int’l friends think? Looking forward to a possible big screen Ben 10?