Campbell and Reynolds: Green Lantern will get its Fair Shake

Green Lantern is getting some mighty “luke warm” responses from viewers, but does that kinda news affect director Martin Campbell and actor Ryan Reynolds’ strides? Naaaah, here’s what they had to say from the red carpet.

Martin Campbell

And Ryan’s response:

Via: Hero Complex

Martin Campbell seems really out of place for some reason. I can’t pin it down but something gives me the impression that he was not at all comfortable addressing the tepid critical response that the movie has thus far received.

I like Ryan’s response more then Campbell’s. I wasn’t entirely sure that he could hear the interviewer or devote his full attention until he started mentioning the “70 years of Green Lantern” and whatnot. I think I actually, somehow, just became a bigger fan of the actor just from that interview. I have not yet seen Green Lantern in order to judge, but I have to respect that Reynolds’ is putting his best foot forward on the whole thing and actually not just giving dodgy answers.

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