Paramount is now hoping that nostalgia for the decade of acid-washed jeans and big hair still reigns supreme in October when the studio unveils Craig Brewer’s (“Hustle & Flow”) faithful adaptation of 1984’s “Footloose” — the film that launched Kevin Bacon’s career.
After seeing the trailer, it looks, with the exception of the drive-in (?) dance number, an almost scene for scene, beat-for-beat kind of film, only set in the current day and not the 80s. It also reminded me why I never warmed up to the original film aside from the soundtrack (maybe it had to do with all the compromise and winning his case – a fact given away by this trailer- only to directly break his word and threaten the whole project with a slugfest with a dumb punk which they also show in this trailer. Other than that, it’s the same rebellion, same hick-town sheriff department…and ‘Let’s Hear It For The Boy’ (I wonder if Shalamar’s song ‘Dancing In The Sheets’ will show up…)
How about you int’l friends- anyone out there Holdin’ Out For A Hero? I mean, you know, if it is just made to be made for nostalgia, why not watch the dumb as nails ’84 movie?