There have been murmurs of a fourth entry in the Jurassic Park franchise for close to a decade now, with most suspecting that Spielberg’s upcoming TV series “Terra Nova” taking over as spiritual successor to the franchise. It seems that Sir Steven may have other plans.
Source: Jo Blo
Spielberg has been quietly meeting with writer Mark Protosevich (I AM LEGEND) to flesh out ideas on how to properly reboot the franchise. It’s unclear if what Spielberg is envisioning would be a straight reboot of the original, although that seems unlikely. Spielberg and Protosevich are currently working on ideas for a new story though Universal cautions that no writer has been hired to work on a script and the meetings are “exploratory.”
Well, it definitely clears up any lingering thoughts that a 4th movie already secretly entered production. This isn’t the exciting news that most have been hoping for but it is a silver lining in a mighty dark cloud. I’m actually thinking that a reboot of the franchise might be the best thing to do. There are many unresolved concepts that will follow a proper sequel and a clean slate might be the best way to introduce this franchise to today’s generation of audiences. I’m on the fence and will let this one simmer for a bit.