Warren Beatty wants Dick Tracy 2

Dick Tracy was a polarizing merchandising phenomena in the early 90’s. There were few places one could travel without being bombarded by children with either a Tim Burton’s Batman t-shirt or an over sized watch that they would often talk to while pretending to catch bad guys. Warren Beatty remembers those times and had stated he wanted to make a sequel. He recently re-iterated these intentions:

Source: Jo Blo

But in the 21 years since that film hit theaters, Beatty has only starred in four films and he’s notoriously sluggish in moving projects forward. But last night at a DICK TRACY screening in Los Angeles, Beatty reiterated that he wants to make a DICK TRACY sequel and the time may be sooner rather than later.

Beatty flatly said, “I’m gonna make another one,” when asked about a sequel adding, “I think I’ll feel better if I make this movie.”

Does he mean soon? It’s been a looooong time since that movie helped propel the “Flat Top” haircut and the children that were fans in the early 90’s may have children of their own at this point. Does the world really need another Dick Tracy movie? probably not but the question that will be asked more often than not is can a Dick Tracy movie be profitable anymore? In a world of Pokemon, Xbox’s, and electric cars the old noir style of Dick Tracy may be a bit outdated for today’s children.

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