William Shatner will NOT be in Star Trek 2

Yeah, I’m still clamoring for a sequel to 2009’s Star Trek film. Yes, it’s common knowledge that JJ Abrams is going to return to the franchise and filming will begin in the fall. Yes, William Shatner is still around and often expressing his hope to return to the Star Trek franchise. No, he still won’t be returning anytime soon.

Source: Worst Previews

in March he revealed that he would love to appear in sequel. “I would be so interested in doing it,” he said.

Now, during the Calgary Expo, Shatner was asked for an update. “I have become an acquaintance of JJ as of late, but I’m afraid no… I will not be in ‘Star Trek 2,'” he told fans.

Little surprise here. Shatner is at some convention speaking optimistically that Kirk should return, but has still made little headway in making that dream a reality. JJ Abrams and crew are probably sitting somewhere right-clicking “Mark as Read” on his outlook folder. All is well in the world, run along now.

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