‘Dark Knight Rises’ Teaser Poster Released

Keeping in line to some degree with the pallette sceme of the previous film’s one sheet art, the advance teaser poster for The Dark Knight Rises has been released. In short, folks, this is how it is done.

CBS News/Celeb Circut unveils:

Warner Brothers has released the teaser poster for next summer’s much-anticipated followup to “The Dark Knight.”

“The Dark Knight Rises,” directed by Christopher Nolan, once again stars Christian Bale as caped crusader Batman.

And folks, word is getting out FAST that a teaser trailer will be shown in front of this weekend’s Harry Potter’s final class at Hogwarts. It’s also expected that teaser trailer will be not too unlike the teaser for the previous Bat-film, where it was simply a voice over over a batsignal. I myself expect a chant- but it would be sweet to hear Anne Hathaway’s purr-ty voice too! We shall find out soon enough. In the meantime, your eyes have probably already wondered to the image below…

I would normally ask you what you, the int’l friends think. But I suspect something like that would be hanging framed on a wall somewhere in your room…?

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