‘First Blood’ Bridge To Be Torn Down

It is one of the iconic locations in the first Rambo film, “First Blood” – but not just for the scenic location, but for a turning point in the story both dramatically and symbolically. (Rambo, having been offended and driven out of the small town, crosses the bridge in defiance; the film opened with the character on the open road journey)

Worst Previews reports:

The Kawkawa lake bridge in Hope, British Columbia on which John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) was arrested in the classic 1982 movie “First Blood” is to be torn down. Local residents of the town gathered on Sunday to celebrate the iconic, yet now rickety, “Rambo Bridge” before it is replaced with a new bridge.

It is somewhat sad to see it go- but as with all things that don’t get proper upkeep, it becomes a hazard, which was the primary case here. There had been protests and petitions to save it and make repairs a few years ago, but it’s not like the town of Hope hasn’t gotten its use out of it. It also will always remain on film – and one of the few places that the character didn’t blow up or shoot at. An interesting sidenote is that the film takes place in the US with the town named Hope; the real Hope where First Blood was shot is in Canada.

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