Let’s look at new Amazing Spider-Man photos 

Entertainment Weekly has, once again, got the scoop on the latest comic book movie blockbuster coming our way. This one happens to be everyone’s, especially mine, favorite superhero ever “The Amazing Spider-Man”.

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Via: Reel Comix

Now, I know I’ve been complaining about comic book character costume redesigns lately. I think they’re usually crap. This costume is warming up on me. It’s got a lot of the characteristics right, but I am a Spider-Man purist so I really don’t like alteration to perfection. I loved the Raimi trilogy but was incredibly irked by the changes to the comic book design of the costume and especially hated Raimi’s black costume spider-man, but eventually warmed up to the changes.

Aside from that, I’m also warming up to the idea of a Spider-Man film that’s central focus isn’t rescuing Mary Jane from some baddie who likes dangling women from high altitudes. the Lizard likes the sewers, Gwen is around, and Martin Sheen and Sally Field look absolutely charming from what I can see. There’s a rumor that a trailer will pop up soon, and I’m looking forward to seeing this character in motion.

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