Looks Like Someone Needs Another ‘Vacation’.

Relax, folks, it’s not a reboot or remake – that’s what they say. It’s just another sequel to the Vacation franchise. While the spinoff of ‘Christmas Vacation’ had some good laughs, nothing in my view has ever topped the original ’83 film. But you gotta give someone props- they are going to try. Hollywood.com explains:

Now, a movie that already has thirty-five sequels (with sixty-three different actors cast as the Griswold children) might not seem so sacred as to warrant such dread of another incarnation. But here’s the problem: the main character of this new film will be an adult Rusty Griswold, the son of Clark, who, as played by Chevy Chase, was the real reason we’ve all seen every single Vacation movie.

Chase and Beverly D’Angelo are hopeful to reprise their characters, but only in a cameo. The plot will focus on Rusty and his own wife and children visiting Wallyworld, as did the original Griswolds in the first Vacation film

You don’t say.

And it’s not a remake.

Hokey doke. (If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…)

I don’t blame anyone for attempting to get the last drops of water out of the dry well. I don’t fault a soul for wanting to revive an old franchise. Don’t be surprised if I don’t show up in the box office line, though. I suppose if Rusty’s going to follow in dad’s footsteps, there has to be a Christie Brinkley type in there somewhere. Now, I MIGHT change my mind if they got Brinkley to reprise her role and flirt with the son! Brinkley’s still hot and cougars are in, y’know?

But for right now, meh.
Should Walley World close up on our next generation, Int’l friends?

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