Evangeline Lilly concerned about her Hobbit role

Evangeline Lilly is no stranger to most of us who lusted over her character for several season’s on ABC’s “Lost”. What may seem strange is the Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh actually added a character to the narrative of the Hobbit for her to portray and she’s a bit concerned about the backlash of purists.

Source: SFX

Tauriel is a new character in the mythology so as a book purist yourself that must be frightening to ponder how fans will react to your part?

“Yeah! I am very concerned to this day that people will watch the film and I’ll be the black mark on the film. I know how adamant the purists are and I’m one of them! That said, upon reading The Hobbit again, as an adult, I can see why additional characters were needed to round out the story as an adaptation – especially female characters! The Hobbit didn’t include female characters at all and was a very linear story, a book for children, really. What Peter, Fran (Walsh) and Philippa (Boyens) have done is all in perfect keeping with Tolkien’s world, while adding a third dimension to an otherwise very two-dimensional story.”

I like that she’s concerned. Do I think it’s completely genuine? No. I think she’s aware of the audience and is mindful of the forthcoming criticisms that will undoubtedly be hurled in her direction. I like that she’s aware, somewhat a fan, and prepared for the feedback. I’m looking forward to seeing her in the Hobbit and hopefully she can make a meaningful impression with fans alike.

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