Shawn Levy WILL direct Reel Steel 2

It feels like everyday I seem to find a movie get a sequel approved before the release of the original movie. Today we learn that Real Steel is also in that group of films as director Shawn Levy recently confirmed that he, along with Hugh Jackman and Evangeline Lilly will return for a sequel.

Source: Forces of Geek

Levy told The Playlist, “Yes, well the studio’s faith is very strong. Even, ‘Night at the Museum’ didn’t test like this. People were cheering in a movie theater. The last time I remember that happening was in ‘Rocky III’ with Clubber Lang or even against Drago in ‘Rocky IV.’ So we got that kind of visceral reaction from audiences and the studio not only took the bullish move of developing a sequel and asking me to sign on but then also didn’t deny it when it leaked in the press. That was a show of confidence that hopefully we will reward.”

Levy went on to say that he will direct the sequel and the principal actors from the first film will return for the sequel: “I will produce and direct again, yeah. Hugh Jackman’s definitely in and, certainly, I can’t give away too much, but Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Lilly, and Hugh Jackman are all a big part of the sequel. It is the same charatcers, the next chapter. It delves into the fallout of the new fame and money that the Kentons are going to have as a result of Zeus-Atom fight. It also delves into something I thought was a cool aspect of the movie that I didn’t have time to get into, which is the class warfare between the underground unsanctioned world of robot boxing and the monetized corporately funded league. The truth is, it’s not unlike the way boxing saw it’s popularity contested with the rise of a more violent, less rule-bound MMA.”

I’m still not sold on this 1st Real Steel movie. It’s not that I don’t think the movie will be successful financially, I actually think it will as soon as the Lion King gets kicked out the box office, it’s just not my cup of tea. My kid will probably drag me kicking and screaming into this one but I just can’t shake the impression that he’ll be waking me up at the end credits when it’s time to go home.

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