Trailer: Snow White and the Huntsman

The trailer for the upcoming “Snow White and the Huntsman” has just been released and is making it’s way around the web and I have to say that I am unexpectedly surprised by how impressed I was with the visuals in the trailer.

Now I feel a lot better about keeping up with this movie for so long. I was never quite sure what to expect but I did like the names that were being considered for the role of the Huntsman and some of the early concepts that were revealed. This trailer seems more like something along the lines of LoTR in aesthetics which is a very interesting approach to such a popular property. I’m still extremely apprehensive about what type of performance Kristin Stewart is going to give as her performances are typically lackluster, but with the other cast and imagery in this movie she may not be able to do too much damage.

Guess what? “Snow White and the Huntsman” is on the ‘radar’.

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