It’s been a while since I last heard anything about the continuing adventures of Jack Bauer with Kiefer Sutherland sounding pretty optimistic about the subject when he last offered an update. The man was right. 20th Century Fox and company will finally bring a big screen adaptation of the TV series with production starting in early 2012.
Source: What Culture
Fox and producers Brian Grazer and Kiefer Sutherland himself have been trying to crack a movie version of 24 ever since it began airing a decade ago and became an instant hit. One problem they always ran into was figuring out how to tackle the ‘real time’ thriller aspect of the show that always represented an hour of the story told over a 60 minute episode, the unique and clever concept that elevated the material from other action genre shows. It’s never quite been stated how they plan to tackle this but most likely a film version will become two hours of Sutherland’s life, perhaps a plot like the Die Hard or Die Hard With A Vengeance movie which were mostly condensed to a few hours…
…Fox, Grazer & Sutherland are now talking to a number of directors with a keen eye to get 24: The Movie into production in the next six or seven months, though April is being specifically eyed as Sutherland will be in midseason on Fox’s supernatural drama Touch.
This is pretty exciting news for us that are fans of the show. I have to admit that I never made it passed the 1st season but I have fond memories of the show along with its action and pacing. I’d like to see them recapture that frantic characteristic of the show and deliver that in a film but I have to admit that I’m curious and a little skeptical as to how that will turn out.
Either way it’s good news for those of us looking forward to this and I hope to hear more about it in the near future.