Trailer: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The trailer for the Hobbit is finally online and after all these long, cold, rough years we finally have an opportunity to re-visit Middle-Earth and see what adventure Bilbo will be embarking on in this film.

It’s absolutely beautiful. The site of the shire, the music and singing, the site of Ghandalf and then the closing with the appearance of Gollum. I thought my ‘radar’ was already in shambles thanks to the Dark Knight trailer but this really just f’d things up.

Peter Jackson has re-captured the warmth of the shire and welcomed us back by first showing Frodo and Bilbo beginning to recount his adventures and it then segways into the introduction of Martin Freeman as the new Bilbo which transitions remarkably well. I never question the look or authenticity of Freeman as Bilbo even for a second. The introduction of the dwarves was pretty well done with each one displaying some of their personality traits during their ‘roll call’. Certainly a lot to get excited for just by watching this trailer and re-assure that these movies will maintain the level of quality that was first delivered with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I can already imagine myself marathon-ing through this movie, it’s sequel, and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Editions. Someone warn the women…

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