Idris Elba returning for Thor 2

Idris Elba is all over the place, and in a lot of comic book/sci-fi projects of late with no signs of slowing down. The actor recently confirmed that he’ll return and reprise his role as Heimdall for the upcoming Thor 2 with directing duties to be handled by Alan Taylor.

Source: Worst Previews

“‘Thor 2’ for sure,” he said. “We’re going at it again.” The actor admitted that he has yet to meet with director Alan Taylor and has not been involved with “The Avengers,” despite the fact that Alexander has hinted that she may be involved with the project.

This is great news. I think the guy did a great job as Heimdall and hope they find a way to expand his involvement in the upcoming sequel. He’s in Thor, the upcoming Ghost Rider sequel, and has admitted in the past that he also has an interest in portraying Power Man if Marvel ever needs him.

Are there any other actors out there hopping around in multiple comic roles? I’m curious so let me know in the comments.

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