Is this Iron Man’s Mark VII Armor for the Avengers?

I mean, we’ve seen the armor in trailers, photo’s, set photo’s, and the very banner above this post but you can’t take that stuff seriously unless you see it in toy form. The truth is in the merchandising. With that said it seems we finally have a look at the upcoming Iron Man toy that ties into the movie.

Via: Screen Rant

That’s some spiffy armor. It echo’s the comics iteration of the character as it appears Tony’s mind is like the cog that doesn’t stop spinning and he’s constantly finding ways to improve on his favorite toy. I like the look but more importantly I think I like the toy. Who wouldn’t want this on their desk next to Hulk, Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Ant… nevermind, my desk isn’t that big anyway.

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