Lilly Collins ditches the Evil Dead remake

Lilly Collins had the coveted role of the lead in the Evil Dead remake. I know, I know, somehow her inclusion didn’t find it’s way onto TMB in the first place and I’ll take that one but now we’re finding out that she’s had the dreaded “scheduling conflict” that actors and and actresses tend to suffer.

Source: Collider

Fede Alvarez‘ remake of Sam Raimi‘s The Evil Dead has lost its star. While things looked to be moving quickly, Variety’s Jeff Sneider now reports that Lily Collins has had to withdraw from the project due to scheduling issues. The only other project on her slate (that we know of) is the adaptation of The Mortal Instruments, so it’s possible that the shooting schedule for that film is the culprit.

It appears that not a single person in Hollywood consults their calenders prior to agreeing to participate in films. Don’t they have ‘people’ for that? Regardless, as much as I would have enjoyed seeing Colling in this film it’s a more enticing gamble to get involved with a project that has the potential for sequels. The novels on which The Mortal Instruments is based already has quite a few books that are screaming for adaptation so she chose what worked best for her career. Good for her. Hopefully that Mirror Mirror movie with her and Julia Roberts also does well and she learns to stay away from Taylor Lautner.

Now, who’s taking on this role in Evil Dead? Who do we even WANT to take this role?

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