RUMOR: Is Bradley Cooper Lex Luthor?

I’ve joked before how I think this Bradley Cooper guy is a super-villain in disguise but there may be some merit to my previous jests. There’s an unconfirmed wild rumor out there that Cooper may have time to stop on set of the Man of Steel flick to make a cameo/appearance as Lex Luthor in the next Zack Snyder movie!

Source: Dark Horizons

Cosmic Book News is reporting the wild and totally unconfirmed right now rumor that Cooper is in talks to make a cameo appearance as none other than Lex Luthor in the upcoming Superman reboot “Man of Steel”.

Michael Shannon’s General Zod is the film’s lead villain, but early drafts of the script had Luthor as the antagonist. That’s obviously no longer the case, but a cameo by Luthor as a setup for future films (or to serve as a series long antagonist) makes sense.

I don’t know why someone hasn’t thought of this earlier! Sure I’d like to see Hollywood read more Superman comics and realize the he has more villains than Lex Luthor and General Zod but that’s not the point right now. I outright loved Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor in the Bryan Singer superman film. He was charismatic, funny, charming, witty, bald but the idea of Bradley Cooper providing us with an interpretation that isn’t just him channeling his inner ‘Gene Hackman’ is to titillating to ignore and would be a fun setup for future films in what’s undoubtedly planned to be some sort of franchise. It’s a rumor for now, but a fun one nonetheless.

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