This trailer for Chronicle reminds me that I want superpowers too

You know when you were a kid and the first time you saw Superman? How about the Hulk? If you were anything like me you spent a good amount of time trying to re-create the events of waaay too many superhero characters’ origins in order to gain their uncanny abilities. But just what if somehow it happened, and you had exceptional powers that set you apart from the rest of society. Great power to do amazing things. What if…

YES! That’s exactly what I would do! Sure by the time I was a late teenager I had given up on my search for radioactive spiders and gamma rays, and if I had found them I probably wouldn’t sing along with any upbeat pop songs referencing “Bling Bling” but this found footage film clip perfectly illustrates what most young adults I know would do with super powers. Screw that nonsense with those dorks in leather tights, the teenagers I know would not interested with that heroics nonsense. No, they would screw with the minds of teachers, cheat at beer pong, and find out how to see some girls’ underwear. Hell if drunk enough I can certainly see some assholes taking a trip off a cliff.

Maybe I shouldn’t have given up on that spider hunt. Foolish, foolish me.

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