This new ‘Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace’ trailer is painful to watch

You know my sentiments toward Lucas had actually gained some positive traction after learning a lot about the guy in preparation for ‘Red Tails’. Sure, he created a few movies that were disappointing but I had began to actually ‘like’ the guy again. That was until I saw this:

Via: Giant Freakin Robot

I really really tried to watch this entire trailer. I simply refuse. After about 50 seconds of listening I decided that I’d had enough of that annoying voice over used to narrate the clips. I get what they’re trying to do by enticing the “Saturday morning kids” into wanting to see this movie in 3D. I get it. What I don’t get is how they could think that releasing this wouldn’t dissipate any mild interest that I had in wanting to see this film.

I still like Lucas as a person to a degree. He’s a smart, nice, and creative guy. He helped create some of the most entertaining films in the history of cinema and I will forever hold a lot of my respect for that. I just don’t think he wants me to like Star Wars anymore. I’m not even putting a banner on this post, moving on…

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