Django Unchained is about half way done

Did you forget that master filmmaker Quentin Tarantino is making another movie? Did you forget that he, somehow, attracted an all-star cast of not just B-actors? Did you forget the milk and cream??? Good gosh man, let’s go back down memory lane and revisit this film that’s being made by my favorite linguist Quentin Tarantino. Quentin Tarantino has amassed a cast that includes Leonard DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, Samuel Muthafuqin Jackon, Christoph Waltz, and Kurt Russell. I’m still not sure how the hell he got Leonardo DiCaprio but hell who am I to complain about appreciable talent? What we did know was that the movie quietly entered production but we havent heard a peep since let alone seen any spy-cam shots from the set. Apparently executive producer Michael Shamberg has decided to do his part to drum up some publicity for the film and give us an update

“I’ve seen some stuff and it’s amazing. We’re still shooting and my partner Stacey [Sher] is producing with Pilar Savone who worked for Quentin and Reggie Hudlin. I’m exec-producing and we’re like, maybe, half-way through. You have no idea. It’s the most amazing film cause, as you know, it’s a spaghetti western about slavery and Quentin’s vocabulary is such that it’s just pure entertainment, Leonardo’s the bad guy, it’s gonna be awesome.”

That man is a master at speaking P.R. lingo. A great user of the words ‘awesome’ and ‘amazing’ and managing to embed a slight update on the status of the film without really saying too much of anything. Great. I’m still looking forward to this film if only to see how Tarantino approaches the slavery aspect and how Sam Jacksons character will relate to anyone. Dude plays a slave so I don’t think he can flip off at the mouth at just anyone in this film so I think there’s some room for some Tarantino-esque humor there. I’m also looking forward to seeing how DiCaprio plays a villain. I don’t think I’ve ever really seen him in that aspect in film before and it’ll be a refreshing look at the actor. I still have my hopes set pretty high for this film and can’t wait to see it reach the big screen. Half way there is half way closer to ocular digestion…

Source: /Film

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