Help Kickstart this project that involves sounds and LASERS

Yes my friends the title is correct this is about lasers and their application with sound. Let’s loosely tie this into Movie’s to ensure I am not quartered and dragged through the streets. As someone who watches way too many movies and way too much TV sound is a very important factor, living in an apartment I have the constant “problem” of adjusting my volume down so that I do not disturb my neighbors.  Surely many of you must have the same issue, wouldn’t it be great if there was something that could potentially erase this problem?


The video speaks for itself a very interesting piece of tech with a wide array of fun and useful applications. Personally all I care about is the day when I can create my own Sounlazer zone where the only volume control is my bleeding ears.

Check out the Kickstarter page here: Soundlazer
Official page here:


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