Source: THR
Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that Nolan on Friday presented his first cut of 2012’s most-anticipated film to top Warner Bros. executives, including film chief Jeff Robinov and production president Greg Silverman.
The movie doesn’t open until July 20, but Nolan has allowed himself plenty of time to fine-tune the film as he and the brass see fit. Sources say Nolan has been a fixture on the Warners lot during the past few days after finishing a monthslong shoot and editing process.
This news makes me re-think what it is that I’m doing wrong in my life that I hadn’t become a Warner Bros. executive. Maybe it’s my lack of money and college degree? Either way this gives us plenty of time to reflect and re-think what needs to be done to better ourselves for life’s great opportunities like watching the new Batman movie. I know I will. God, why did I pursue a career in computers…