Russell Crowe and Darren Aranofsky

It’s finally coming true! Prepare for a Darron Aranofsky project being created by pure motivation and sheer determination as Darren Aranofsky has finally secured the neccesary backing to begin developing ‘Noah’ and has secured Russell Crowe for the lead!

Source: /Film

…Deals are done for the director, who last released Black Swan in 2010, to make his epic take on the Biblical story of Noah, with Russell Crowe in the lead role…
…Deadline says that a formal announcement from Paramount and New Regency should come next week, but that Aronofsky and Crowe are signed and sealed to do Noah based on John Logan‘s rewrite of the Aronofsky and Ari Handel script, with the shoot starting in July.

With those deals done we should start to hear a lot of other casting, and given the two names already attached, we’ll likely see some very recognizable names linked to other roles. Liam Neeson has been rumored for some time to be an antagonist, but we don’t know if that will pan out.

This is somewhat suprising news for the project considering the tumutulous seas this ship has sailed. The project had early beginnings for Aranofsky as a graphic novel and previously had Christian Bale attached to the project. After considerable time had passed Bale had to depart the project due to the dreaded “scheduling conflicts” but Aranofsky was able to recover by courting Russell Crowe and that determination paid off. Can’t wait to find out what other casting may be in mind for this project and see exactly how this film develops.

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